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Health and Fitness Commercial: Gymnastics!

Mr. Doug Builds a House:  A Perseverance Walk

Mr. Doug Builds a House: A Perseverance Walk

Why Maples Drip Sap (a Vermont legend)

Why Maples Drip Sap (a Vermont legend)


Flight   When we first got to the airport, I was so excited to go on the airplane!  I waited, and then finally it was my turn. So we went over to the plane, and the pilot told us what to do to get in.  You were supposed to put your foot on a peg […]

Brown . . . . . to Green

Brown . . . . to Green I like spring because the gooshy mud, Nice cool breeze, Bird calls in my ear. What a wonderful song they sing! Oh, the smell of fresh dirt!   The flowers grow, The green overtakes, The brown dies away. The water starts to trickle as the stream wakes up. […]

Scribblebot Engineering

Balloons Over Broadway Engineering (challenge: articulated joints)

Sewing for the Haven

Vermont Geography

Ethan's Family Adventure (persuasive writing)

Ethan’s Family Adventure (persuasive writing)

Ethan’s Family Adventure You should go to the graveyard. The first reason I think you should go there is because there were beautiful graves.  It is really interesting that some of the people died in the Civil War.  One beautiful grave was the angel grave. The second reason you should go is that there were […]

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